A Clear Perspective on the High Sanctuary

It has been announced that the former High Sanctuary, Sho Hondo, will be now be demolished. As usual Soka Gakkai's leadership have seized the propaganda initiative and filled their magazine with more tirades against Nichiren Shoshu & Nikken Shonin. Even though Sho Hondo is a dangerous crumbling structure and it is Nikken Shonin's responsibility to protect the Daigohonzon, SG magazines still attack him� - spreading anger, hatred and confusion amongst it's members. Now that this new tidal wave of abuse has started, it might be timely to gain a clearer perspective on Sho Hondo and the High Sanctuary.

Q :Why did Nikken Shonin praise Sho Hondo in the past ? Isn't one of the Three Great Secret Laws being Demolished ?

A :Soka Gakkai magazines have published many old Nittatsu Shonin and Nikken Shonin speeches that seem to say that Sho Hondo "Is the High Sanctuary" and will be for all eternity. Of course in those optimistic days, nobody could see that Mr Ikeda would start his own religion ( registered in Japan as Nichiren Sekaishu ). It was also expected that the building would last for many years and that their would be no slander attached to it.� In reality, the High Sanctaury of the Three Great Secret Laws is any place where the Daigohonzon is enshrined. Over the past 25 years this has been Sho Hondo, but in April the Daigohonzon was moved back to it's previous home the Hoanden. Hoanden is therefore the current High Santuary of True Buddhism.

Entrance to Hoanden - the current High Sanctuary

Q: People say that Sho Hondo has dangerous construction flaws - is this true ?

A: There is ample evidence to suggest this. Not only does Sho Hondo have superficial damage (leaks, rubble falling off the walls etc.) but there are also serious problems such as corrosion and subsidence. Marble pillars are rusting !!!. Of course stone can not rust - but over the space of a few decades the internal metal supports inside the pillars have corroded causing rust to pour from the seams. A building supported by rotting pillars does not make the safest home for the Daigohonzon !!!

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To see more pictures of Sho Hondo's pillars and damage please click here........

Q : Didn't The High Priest say that the reason for the demolition is "slander"

A : From the beginning Ikeda has seen Sho Hondo as a memorial to his own "greatness". He even installed this semi-nude study of himself installed on the front panel of Sho Hondo's offering table !!!. It was quickly spotted by Priests and removed before Sho Hondo's opening but photos of it can still be seen in Soka Gakkai commemorative books about Sho Hondo's construction.

Q: How do I know that the Gakkai's criticism is merely propaganda ?

A: Ask yourself why this has suddenly become an issue, when for the past 7 years SGI has been discouraging it's members from visiting Sho Hondo, and has hardly mentioned the Daigohonzon in it's study program. Does marble, cement and the involvement of Ikeda make a building holy ? If demolishing old, dangerous temples is wrong then what about the Taiseki-ji buildings which the Gakkai helped demolish ? If changing the location of the High Sanctuary is an insult to the people that contributed the previous building, then didn't Ikeda insult the Toda era Gakkai members by moving the Daigohonzon from Hoanden in the first place ? (Hoanden� was built in 1955 and is once again the current location for the Daigohonzon).

To see pictures of the Taiseki-ji buildings that the Gakkai helped demolish in the past� please click here........